Estilo Gumballs

Gumball: Watch and learn
Gumball Style
Gumball: This is what you call a music video.
Darwin: Oh, baby....
Gumball Style
Darwin: Do ya feel anything yet?
Gumball Style
Gumball: Wow! That's right!
Gumball Style
Gumball Crazy
The Amazing World of Gumball
Diretor Brown: Who-who!
Ricardo: Wow!
Gumball: Yes!
Gumball Style
Darwin: What happened to your clothes?
Ricardo: I ate them.
Gumball Style
Gumball Crazy
The Amazing World of Gumball
Gumball Style
Gumball Crazy
The Amazing World of Gumball
Gumball: A music video.
Darwin: We are in a music video.

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